Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Complete Madgeness.

Like you needed me to tell you that.
The discipline was founded by the Guru Jen, some years ago during her time at the Lotus Point Commune. Casslackalah is now nearly the dominant religion of Rhode Island, second only to the Jedi Faith.
Rhode Island is of course famous for being the setting of the movie 'The Wicker Man.'
The Guru Jen is worshipped by most insane people, and she is still hailed as the leading figure of the discipline.
Like you learned something here.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Crisp Counterpoint.

How fare you in this ill wind my guest,
these times of ardour and feigned despair
when our souls drag behind us grasping for peace
but are cast aside like Anne Altman's summer wardrobe.
Ah, the music shall free us, and lease our minds to the clouds soaring above the melee, but, but for time of little measure.
Render the memory of it.
Knead it with sweaty palms, taste it.
For when we clamber back into this electro-forsaken reality,
and cry out at the utter futility of the thousand silicon arrows
that descend upon us.
We are lost.
On this battlefield we call work, We are all lost.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Hail The Heroes!

Mr. Small, who has been hailed as a hero of the economy, is said to be the true architect of the G7 proposition to guarantee inter-bank lending on a global scale. Mr. Small may be in the frame to manage the US led global rescue package according to leaks from the office of US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson.
Mr. Small was said to have been begged to fly to Iceland and rescue their economy, but declined because he "didn't like fucking snow."
Monday, October 06, 2008
Sans And The City...

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Music Was My First Love . . .

I am a very emotional person. Even now, as I write this, I am crying. And music; Music is a big part of my life, therefore this meme may reveal many deep traits of my personalities. You may not like some of them.
1. A song that brings you back to a happy moment.
I have had only one happy moment in my life that I remember. It lasted for about three minutes in 1983 and no music was involved.
2. A song that feels good when you're angry.
I have never considered this before, therefore I cannot supply a valid answer. Music calms me down when I'm upset or angry. If that is the objective of the question, then I will say that any Eva Cassidy song will calm me down and make me cry.
3. A song that makes you sad.
There are so many songs that make me feel sad. The songs themselves don't make me sad; life makes me sad.
Suzanne Vega: Solitude Standing: Luka.
Eric Clapton: Pilgrim: My Father's Eyes.
Eva Cassidy: Songbird: Fields Of Gold.
Mary-Chapin Carpenter: Come On Come On: Only A Dream.
Eddi Reader: Angels & Electricity: Kite Flyer's Hill.
Judie Tzuke: Secret Agent: Bully.
Paul Williams: Life Goes On: Where Do I Go From Here.
Barbra Streisand: Guilty: Make It Like A Memory.
4. A song you have to change every single time it's on.
A long time ago, I decided that songs I dislike do not make my playlist, therefore all songs I do not like have been removed from my players. If I am in a bar and a song I do not like is being played, I smash the jukbox, rip the speakers from the wall or cleave the MC's decks in half.
I have been expelled from many bars, but going out with me is never dull.
5. A song you can't listen to anymore.
I'm sure there is one, but I can't think of it at present. Maybe it hurts so much that my sub-conscious has buried it deep within my id.
6. A song that a commercial ruined for you.
If there is one, I can't think of it. Most of the music I love is old now, and hasn't been used in commercials for years.
7. A song that never gets old.
Helen Reddy: I am Woman."If I have to, I can do anything. I am strong, I am invincible!"
Hail my Sister, I understand!
8. A drunk - sing - at - the - top - of - your - lungs song.
Mary-Chapin Carpenter: Come On Come On: The Hard Way.
John Miles: Rebel: Music.
Deacon Blue: Raintown: Raintown.
Deacon Blue: Raintown: Dignity.
Don McLean: American Pie: American Pie.
9. A song you've had on your myspace.
I barely manage to post on my Blogs. Myspace is for cool people, not those such as myself.
10. A song you'd get made fun of if people knew you liked.
I get made fun of all the time. I like Jimmy Nail and Bruce Willis. And Tangerine Dream! Does anyone reading this also have any Ramases Albums?
I wrote the piece below when I got my first high capacity MP3 player in 1998. It is still in use and I love it with all my heart.
"Music was my first love, and it will be my last. Music of the future, and Music of the past"
I cannot convey in words the emotion I feel when I listen to this wonderful device. Your Music collection defines you; it is gathered throughout your life and is a most personal and intimate thing. To be able to carry your entire Music collection with you, in your pocket, is not something you can put a price on. It is worth all the money in the world.
"To live without my Music would be impossible to do. Because in this world of troubles, my Music pulls me through."
Words by John Miles.
Negative tag. Too emotional . . .
Saturday, October 04, 2008
About Time.
And here we are. . .
The rules:
1. You have to pick 5 Blogs that you consider deserve this award through creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the Blogger community, no matter of language.
2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their Blog.
3. Award winners have to post the award with the name and link to the Blog of the person who gave them the award.
4. Please include a link to the “Arte Y Pico” Blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.
5. Show these rules.
My first Blogger to receive an Arte Y Pico is Janna. Janna is a creative genius with exceptional talents in art and music. Janna has an individual outlook, and posts both various and hilarious on her three personal Blogs and Professional Website.
My second Blogger to receive an Arte Y Pico is Catcuracha. Cat is a talented mural artist with a gift for geometry on her Professional Website . Cat has a passion for Volkswagen vans, decapod crustaceans and Banana Daiquiri cocktails.
My third Blogger to receive an Arte Y Pico is Identity Crisis. Identity is an exceptionally talented photographer and artist. A private and very deep thinking individual, Identity has at least seven Blogs that I know of.
My fourth Blogger to receive an Arte Y Pico is Joe. Joe is also known by his alter ego of Mr. Dick Small and is a very talented artist. A contemplative and deep thinking individual, Joe has at least five Blogs that I know of.
My fifth Blogger to receive an Arte Y Pico is Stepping Over the Junk. Stepping has just completed a number of pieces for her show and is a brilliant artist who does superb work. Stepping also likes to write it all down.
And with that, I thought it might be a good idea to present an award of my own. For her wonderful posts and passionate creativity, I award Stepping the Pantalunatic Award for her exceptional contribution to the creative arts.
I must add that all the descriptions above are my personal perceptions. I have not yet met any of the winners, and hope my descriptions meet with their approval. If any corrections or modifications are required, please leave a comment below and I will expedite.
I also apologise to Chris for taking so damn long.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Where Is Dick Small?
Mr. Dick Small, well known Entrepreneur, Empresario and Celebrity Blogger, seen above greeting his guest Sans Pantaloons, well known Blogging Millionaire.
Mr. Small, as advisor to the European Central Bank (ECB) complained that he couldn't follow his favorite soaps on YouTube because of the failure of his built-in speakers. US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was seen on his knees at one point, with his ear to the speakers trying to make them work.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's office stressed that Mr. Dick Small was the best man to deal with the financial crisis and that a pair of speakers was fair reward for saving the Global Banking System.
Mr. Dick Small was quoted as saying "Woo Hoo!"