I was tagged by
Miss Alex with the Crazy 8's meme. This is my attempt.
8 Things I’m Passionate About –1. Family.
2. Learning.
3. Fairness.
4. Laughter, Passion & Fun.
5. Intimacy.
6. Passionate Kisses.
7. Electronics.
8. Empathy.
9. Thinking.
10. Understanding Systems & Detail to the nth degree and beyond...
11. The universal Why?
12. Lovely Biscuits, Milk & Bananas.
13 Garthamlock Hospital.
8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die –0. Smile & Laugh...
1. Be Happy.
2. Travel More.
3. Tidy Up the 34 dimensions that have been tainted by my existence.
4. Finish the Decorating I started in 1976.
5. Relax.
6. Finish all the projects that I have ongoing. (see #4)
7. Do something useful.
8. Finish this meme and the name-game meme set by
Chris.8 Things I Say Often –I usually speak in acronym.
SP - used as an exclamation of delight! SP = Su-perb.
CLV - normally follows a sigh. CLV = C'est la vie. (Or, when in science mode = Constant Linear Velocity)
All OTP - used to describe drivers road usage. OTP = Over the place.
SAD - used as a superlative to SP. SAD = Super Ally Dooper!
EOD - normally used to end a discussion where I have lost the argument, but can't admit it. EOD = End of discussion. (Or, when in geek mode, I use EOF = End of file, or EOT = End of transmission.)
LRC - normally used to describe traffic congestion. LRC = Left, Right & Centre.
FOAD - usually SHOUTED IN FRUSTRATION. Sometimes varies as BOAD.
AIG - normally used with 'I need to get my'; so I can listen to my Eagles vinyl when I convert it to MP3. AIG = Arse in Gear.
Also, I often use the words Quadrac and Transductor, go figure...
8 Books I’ve Read Recently –I like to do most of my reading during summer vacation. Some of the pile of books purchased and queued for reading are:
Made in China by Donald N. Sull ISBN 1-59139-715-4
The Humane Interface by Jef Raskin ISBN 0-201-37937-6
RFID Sourcebook by Sandip Lahiri ISBN 0-13-185137-3
Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads by Richard Webber, Dick Clement & Ian La Frenais ISBN 0-75281-815-5
Rodney Bewes Autobiography ISBN 0-7126-6992-2
iWoz by Steve Wozniak ISBN 0-7553-1406-9
Eric Sykes Autobiography ISBN 0-00-717784-4
On The Edge by Brian Bagnall ISBN 0-9738649-0-7
8 Songs I Do Listen to Over and Over –Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold.Elkie Brooks - Maybe I'm Amazed.George Martin - Friends & Lovers.George Martin - Because. *Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel - Come Up and See Me, Make Meme Smile.Pink Floyd – The Great Gig in the Sky.The Alan Parson's Project - A Dream Within A Dream.Deacon Blue - Dignity.Barbra Streisand - Make It Like a Memeory.Helen Reddy - Angie Baby. Paul Williams - Where Do I Go From here.John Miles - Rebel.Bert Jansch - A Windy Day.Christopher Franke - Lontano Mystery.* Two for one offer on George Martin Today!
NB. I am hosting these files, so download will be slow, around 3 minutes. Please be patient.
It is best to right click and save target as, although I do send mime type, so just clicking will open up your preferred MP3 player, but you may not get a chance to save the file.
If this works with XP or Vista, please let me know, as I have not yet had confirmation of such.
8 Things That Attract Meme to My Best Friends-All my friends got married.
Some of my friends wives got captured by my spell.
Now, I've got no friends.
Infidelity always ends in disaster.
8 People I Think Should Do Crazy 8’sTo be decided...offers accepted.