Saturday, March 31, 2007
Dick Small Enterprises signs Ozzy Osbourne for new TV show!

Pantalunatic News reports breaking news Saturday that Dick Small, well known and beloved Blogging millionaire has signed Ozzy Osbourne to star in a new reality TV show pencilled in to be titled 'Mr Gravely sucks bats blood in buckets'.
The new show is reported to involve Ozzy being cut off from society in a log cabin somewhere in NY state with only a wood stove for warmth, and a $6 million recording studio with no speakers.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The remains of the day.
Since hair is a topical subject.
The war on hair. I don't really understand why people go to such great lengths to eliminate body hair. If hair on your head is tolerated, then I don't see what's the problem with hair on ones legs, back, oxters and face. All we are doing is making the directors of Reckitt Benkaiser and Procter & Gamble very, v e r y rich.
The mystery surrounding the Pyramids at Giza.
It seems obvious to me the pyramids are oil wells. If deep drilling is beyond ones technology, then the next best thing is to exert as much pressure as possible on the ground above to force any oil upwards. This maximum can be realised in the smallest footprint with a solid pyramid.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Gollum Update.
Baby Lemur is Born 4 Weeks Premature. Update 12th March 2007.
The baby Ring-tailed Lemur above was born here at the park in the early hours of Valentine’s Day. The lemur was estimated to be four weeks premature, weighing only 40 grams. Unfortunately his mother, Lucy, didn’t know what to do with such a small thing and the Pets farm wardens had to step in to give him the 24 hour care he needs.
For the last three weeks the wardens have been taking it in turns to take the little lemur home to hand rear him.
This has meant some sleepless nights for them as the lemur has had to be fed every 2 hours. To feed the lemur, they have been using a small kitten feeder filled with SMA gold as it’s the closest milk they can get to the real thing. He now weighs 55 grams (normal birth weight) and is becoming much more active and interested in his surroundings.
The eventual plan is to re-introduce him back into his group as soon as possible and all the signs are encouraging. Keep your fingers crossed.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Ladies and Gentlemen...
I have stuff on Beta that doesn't appear to be on YouTube. I shall try my best to find & post it.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Lemon Blue sells for $15million.

Having pocketed his cheque less commission, Pantaloons was quoted as saying "Yahoo!, I'm off."
Saturday, March 17, 2007
In for repair...

Meanwhile, A song:
Friday, March 16, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Time-Lapse of Edinburgh.
Music by Philip Glass. More information here.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
I will exercise for comments...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Longmire does Romance Novels.
While searching images for Jen's Thursday Thirteen, I happened upon this site.

Friday, March 02, 2007
My secret identity.

Thursday, March 01, 2007
Will you be my Mummy?

Staff at a safari park are hand-rearing a baby lemur rejected by his mother. The week-old ring-tailed lemur has been named "Gollum" by staff at Blair Drummond Safari Park, near Stirling in Scotland.
He weighed just 1.8oz and was 4 inches long when he was born, so staff are feeding him every two hours on baby milk to build up his strength. He is so small they use a kitten feeding bottle. Usually a mother would carry a baby lemur on her back for the first few weeks of its life, and Gollum follows his natural instinct by clinging on to a soft toy.

The ring-tailed lemur, like all other lemurs, is found only in the wild on the island of Madagascar, but is the most common of the species to be found in zoos.
Story by Metro Reporter. Pictures by Andrew Milligan