Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Festive Cheer?

Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Arrival...
I don't want this post to act as a possible spoiler for the winner, Jen at Casual Slack or the other prize winners, Fab and Marty, so will they please refrain from reading any further.

Clicking on the image should effect a larger view. I received a beautiful card with a personal message on the back, a gold medal with red, white & blue ribbon, a toilet sticker and an inflatable man-friend whom I have named Fab.
I'm not quite sure how to work the toilet sticker, I think perhaps it is intended to be placed on the inside of the bowl. With my aim, or the lack thereof, it would be better placed some six inches to the left of the bowl on the floor. Next to my wellington boots in fact.
The blow-up man, now named Fab, will be a welcome sleeping companion during these long dark Scottish nights. You can all guess where his valve is, can't you?
Thank You Dutchy! I wish Yourself & 'the Kid' a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2007!
Pole Dancing...

Clicking on the image will make your embarrassment by me complete.
Alas and alack, it seems my face has broken the Pole Dancing server. If you would like to see the dance without my ugly visage, this link appears to work.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Some more kilt fun...

Clicking on the graphic should take you to the pictures, or failing that, the URL is
Monday, December 18, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Long, long ago...
I cannot find the original of this painting, so this is extracted from a photograph. Sorry for the lack of image quality. It's a fantasy female face painted in acrylic. I am not responsible for that wallpaper. It is a copy of an illustration by a well known artist of the time, whose name I cannot remember.
This is a poster inspired by the George Lucas film THX1138. It's done with household gloss paint and stuck-on paper stars because I'm lazy and couldn't be ars*d painting a lot of stars.
This is the girl a had a crush on in high school. That time in my young life when I had raging hormones and was all bullet and no bang. Of course she never knew, she was popular and I was a male version of Daria Morgendorffer.
I did many posters, probably some of which are still stored in my attic. I was never any good at painting but at least I had a go.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
I've been tagged by Jen,
100 things you don't know about me..
- I work in a College. I used to work for Compaq Computer, but they moved production to the Czech Republic closely followed by the Haggis Research Institute.
- I used to collect Beanie Babies. My sister got me into that. She asked me to get a few that were still for sale in the UK, just as the craze was breaking big in the USA. I got hooked and collected right up until 'The End' , when I managed to stop. Still got a few though.
- I have a fox come visit my garden most nights. I leave out food for the poor thing. I guess she has family to feed. I have tried to take pictures, but it's too dark for my current camera.
- My Sister used to live in South Carolina. I used to visit most years. She has since moved to Florida and now prefers to come here to visit family.
- I use a mouse left-handed even though I'm right-handed. My index finger was swelling up due to RSI, so I had to change. My index finger is the same age as I am.
100. I'm not good with numbers.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006

I think it's really where a man of his talent & charisma should be.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Billboard LC + one.

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
When the Cat's away...

Saturday, December 02, 2006
Minnillo story not true...

Useless Billboards for Useless Men. (& Gal).
Since there are many contributors, I decided a personalized billboard would be a good idea. It's not often I have a good idea, so this might be one of those.
Friday, December 01, 2006
2007 cometh...
It is a great calendar, and to celebrate I had a doughnut/donut. Actually I finished the pack so I had more than I should have, but they were custard filled and yummy.
Note to self. To do:
Additions to blogroll.
Billboard for UM.
Go to sleep now.
Run six miles to work off donuts.