When the Cat's away...
This taken today at the Park Royal Hotel, Acapulco.
Our Pantalunatic star reporter captured this image while posing as a busboy. It is unclear why these two former Presidential runners-up were meeting, but buff envelopes were seen being exchanged. Donny Osmond was not listed as a guest, but a bullet with his name attached was left at reception. The hotel management was quoted as saying "No comment".
Oh I was HOPING this pic wouldn't ever be circulated one day! Yes I dated Al Gore for QUITE a while. When Tipper was crossing the country in the late 80's trying to put warning labels on cd's, Al and I were usually on dates. He's a great kisser by the way.
I promised him I wouldn't tell, but when Al heard I was marrying the man of my dreams, he actually went to where he thought our wedding was being held. Well, wouldn't you know he ended up in the wrong church, and when the priest said: "Does anyone have any reason why these 2 men should not be wed?", Al blurted out: "BECAUSE I LOVE HIM AND I'M NOT GOING TO LET HIM BE TAKEN BY ANY MAN OTHER THAN ME!!!". Well, when everyone turned around and Al found out it was Sigfreid and Roy, well I'm sure you can understand his embarrasment (although I'm sure the bengal tigers and chimps that were in attendance should have been a dead giveaway, though). Poor Al, always opening his mouth when he should have just kept it shut...
you sure do get around, Dick!
Dick looks hot..
So since this is now out of the bag, does that mean it's splitsville for Al and Tipper? Another celebrity divorce?
I sure hope so. Al was much more at ease hanging out "in the company of men", if you catch my drift. I've heard "stories". I have my "sources".
I guess you can say he's a "Man's Man".
Okay, so can someone please tell me what ROFLMAO means??? Go ahead, I can take it...
Just for you Dick:
ACK!!!!!! Back off Dick! YOu know Al gore is MINE all mine!
I am just so distraught, I never thought Al would stray. *sigh* I'm gonna need a moment....
Hey, try to swing through Cul-de-Sac this week
We're having a real life Interview with a Vampire :)
Sorry Mel.
Thanks Mixednut!
Thanks for asking the question "what does ROTFLMAO" I had no idea what this meant either.
we're both nerds.
I like their matching outfits--handsome dudes!
But Dick, leave Al for Mel. Have a heart!
Take it up with Sans. It's all his fault. I had no idea, really.
God! That man looks just like Dick Small!!!!
And here I thought it was just a political meeting....
Hot Dick, they make a great couple.
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