The front of the original card from Amy with additions by Jen and Chris, and the reverse of the card added by Sushiboy.

The inside of the original card with additions by Amy, Jen, Teri and Miss Alex.

The included rules drawn up by Jen, and the reverse of the postcard included by Teri.

The front of the postcard included by Teri, and the picture of Chris & Skyler included by Chris.

The reverse of the original card with additions by Miss Alex, and the front of the card added by Nobody™.

The inside of the card added by Nobody™ with additions by Nobody™ and Midleah.

The reverse of the card added by Nobody™ with SNL picture added by Midleah, and front of the card added by Sushiboy and Family. Congratulations to Superwoman and Sushiboy!

The inside of the card added by Sushiboy and Family.
Official rules & regulations:
• When You Get "The Card"post a photograph/scan of it's arrival & contents
AND post these official rules available here
• Ask readers to leave a comment if they want the card next
• Pick the blogger who is worthy
• THEN add your name / url plus a
nice message or creative addition to the card
• Include a copy of the official rules with the card
• Send it on it's way to the next worthy recipient
• Send it out fast..
- no putting it on the mantle an admiring it for 3 weeks...
• Can a blogger who has already received the card - be sent the card again? - Yes!
• What if there is no room left on the card? -
The chain of prestige so far:
Amy- Mish MashJen - Casual SlackMiss Alex - Fonzie SoxJen - Casual SlackTeri - Family Tree JunkieChris - Skyler's Dad (Some Days It's Not Worth Chewing Through The Leather Straps)Nobody - My Blog Is About NothingMidleah - Screaming ShrewSushiboy - From Sushi To SamuraisAndy - Sans Pantaloons
It's pretty amazing that I can handle and touch these cards that have been touched and prepared by so many wonderful and creative Bloggers. I am both proud and humble to be part of this Community - Our Community.
Who wants to be next in the chain of prestige?