Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"At some point, you've got to stop living the life you've fallen into, and start living the life you want to." Wayne Scullino.
Clicking upon the graphic will take you to the story, should you wish to read it.
A text link direct to Wayne's Blog is here.
A text link direct to Wayne's Blog is here.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Victoria and Steve.
Why is it that we don't always recognise the moment a love begins,
but we always know when it ends.
I have created my own whirlwinds
I have stood in the rain and dreamed
I have waited for hope
I have held the tears in my heart together
and cried the sadness of the silent man.
I have stood in the rain and dreamed
I have waited for hope
I have held the tears in my heart together
and cried the sadness of the silent man.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007

NB, Blogger in it's wisdom has limited the polyptych size to 1600 x 300. If anyone wishes it full size, (a viagra line if ever I heard one), leave a comment to such effect and I'll make it available on my server.

Saturday, October 06, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Sans Faux.
I have been meaning to post this for some time. Now is good.
It is dark. It is 3am. It's the best I can do without alarming my neighbours, and scaring the already wary visitor.
Brain Cloud.
I have been reading my old posts, some of which made me laugh.
Recent (mostly graphics) posts haven't been anywhere near as good and the explanation for that is probably lack oftalent sleep.
Or maybe there aren't any good ones, and never were. Or maybe it's a time of year thing.
Lack of sleep leading to lack of visits to other Blogs, leads to absence
of inspiration, and that delivers me right here.
Douglas N. Adams once said "The way you really get good ideas, is from working with talented people you have fun with."
Blogging was made for this statement.
For me, that's the way Blogging works. Visiting the community of fine people I am proud to be associated with, I am inspired by the excellent writing, the creative imagination, the humor and their cognitive discourse on all kinds of topics and events.
I make no claims to be creative, or talented, funny or incisive. I paste together pieces of other peoples' graphics and get much enjoyment from doing so. When other Bloggers get enjoyment from what I do, that makes me happy.
And thus, visiting the posts of my recent past has stirred me; awakened something in me that was lying dormant. Maybe that's all that was required - a reference point.
I believe most people think of a Blog as ancillary, an add-on to our real life.
I certainly did, but now I'm not so sure. Perhaps Blogging is our real
life, or at least a major part of it. Rather than sacrifice sleep in order to manage this life, maybe it's work that should be slain on the altar.
Recent (mostly graphics) posts haven't been anywhere near as good and the explanation for that is probably lack of
Or maybe there aren't any good ones, and never were. Or maybe it's a time of year thing.
Lack of sleep leading to lack of visits to other Blogs, leads to absence
of inspiration, and that delivers me right here.
Douglas N. Adams once said "The way you really get good ideas, is from working with talented people you have fun with."
Blogging was made for this statement.
For me, that's the way Blogging works. Visiting the community of fine people I am proud to be associated with, I am inspired by the excellent writing, the creative imagination, the humor and their cognitive discourse on all kinds of topics and events.
I make no claims to be creative, or talented, funny or incisive. I paste together pieces of other peoples' graphics and get much enjoyment from doing so. When other Bloggers get enjoyment from what I do, that makes me happy.
And thus, visiting the posts of my recent past has stirred me; awakened something in me that was lying dormant. Maybe that's all that was required - a reference point.
I believe most people think of a Blog as ancillary, an add-on to our real life.
I certainly did, but now I'm not so sure. Perhaps Blogging is our real
life, or at least a major part of it. Rather than sacrifice sleep in order to manage this life, maybe it's work that should be slain on the altar.