Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm thinking of buying my nieces, 8 and 10 (I'm nearly Eleven!), some books as presents. Are there any thought-provoking, possibly life-directing books you would recommend for girls that age?

Meanwhile, please enjoy Marcus Schenkenberg for Thanksgiving!
Sans Pantaloons of course!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I bought a new potentiometer today.
It's a nice blue one.

This is a 50k ohm 10 turn quality job. Turning this is akin to a sexual experience.

In my time I have been called a Man's Man, but truly I am a Nerd's Nerd.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Let There Be Light.

I mentioned previously I was working on Light Emitting Diode lights, and since this one was inspired by Charles Rennie Mackintosh, I thought I would post the end result.

The LEDs are mounted on four 3½ inch platters from salvaged Hard Disk Drives, themselves mounted on a 25mm tube. There are 16 of 5mm LEDs & 8 of 10mm LEDs, giving 24 LEDs per platter, and one 2½ platter with 8 of 10mm LEDs at the bottom. I'm running the LEDs at 30mA and the unit draws 11 watts from the 230v ac supply.

Although not quite as bright as an equivalent compact fluorescent lamp, it is much more interesting, and I have included a dimmer circuit with the potentiometer at the bottom.  

Unfortunately I have neglected to place any reference in the picture but, 
Like all good male things it's ten inches long.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

For Miss Alex.

For Miss Alex, and many others. . . 

These are strange times.

There are many of us who are hurting, left wounded on this economic battlefield,
Crying out for comfort as dark clouds of economy sized arrows slice at our souls,
Volley after volley they descend upon us, their barbs laser guided and bar coded.

We are but crumbs of toast, swamped and pummelled by a huge political butter knife as it spreads terror over our lives.

As the rain fell on Glasgow, I paid my respects to those who went to Spain to fight Fascism, and to Dolores Ibárruri.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Thank you for all the entertainment Edward.  You will be missed.
Rest In Peace.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Steve Martin plays banjo at the UK Festival Hall.

By Channel 4 News.

In case any other Steve Martin fans are out there. (Sorry Jen.)

Friday, November 06, 2009

I Have A Few.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Dona Nobis Pacem.

For Mimi.