My new phone has a thermal imaging camera built in, but the thing is so small it keeps getting lost in my pocket.

Yesterday, I was fumbling around trying to find it and I must have triggered the camera.

This is the photograph I accidentally took. Hot stuff.
omg you arent serious are you? it cant be THAT small.
wait do i mean the phone or the ...
lol i couldnt resist
So it takes thermal images AND magnifies the object of the pic!
OMG. I am surfing the web to find which one I like, as mine is up for replacement mid-May (can't start looking too early)... Strike that one from my list, I have enough disturbing pictures of myself to last me a lifetime....
You Europeans get all the best technology.
just because you are crazy didn't mean you had to show me your nuts.
Hot stuff indeed. You know, because it's thermal.
I had a smaller phone than that!
But once when I was making a call, I sneezed. I could'nt find it. I even tried ringing it and listening for the ringtone.
Rule #1. Always put your phone on a lanyard/taggy thingy.
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